In our national calendar, November doesn’t hold too much significance except for Allama Iqbal’s birthday. However, for Pakistan’s…
We trace the impressive growth trajectory of Pakistani khata apps and what lies ahead for them…
How a Pakistani company became a top apps publisher by focusing on local languages and Islamic apps…
Decoding the market of Islamic apps and how Pakistani publishers are tapping on a global audience…
The SBP has received 20 applications for 5 digital banks, but what policy objectives are they meant to…

The wounds of Pakistan’s surrender against England in the finale of an otherwise exciting series are still fresh.…

With a growing internet population, Pakistan's video streaming landscape is heating up…
After much brouhaha on social media regarding shady practices of instant lending apps prevalent across Pakistan’s Play Store,…

With expensive instant nano-lending on the rise, we look at the flawed math of these loans and whether…

Licensed digital lending hit a record Rs6.14B in 2021 but the grey space still dominates, hurting consumers…