We look at the most downloaded apps in Pakistan and how we stack up against other emerging markets.…
Welcome to the 12th issue of Appistan. For the new subscribers who aren’t familiar, here we talk about…
Despite their notoriety and a brief period where SECP & Google cared, instant loan apps are still at…
Despite over $48 million in VC funding, Pakistani healthtech players are yet to scale…
It was the usual suspects in Data.ai’s Active Users Ranking, with Daraz topping the charts yet again from…

Welcome to the eighth edition of Appistan. In the last issue, we explored the evolving audio streaming habits…
A song of how the Pakistani audio streaming scene came of age…

Welcome to the sixth edition of Appistan! All of us are still recovering from Pakistan’s reincarnation in the…
We trace the impressive growth trajectory of Pakistani khata apps and what lies ahead for them…
How a Pakistani company became a top apps publisher by focusing on local languages and Islamic apps…
Decoding the market of Islamic apps and how Pakistani publishers are tapping on a global audience…